

ALEBUERG in Beaufort

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Today, Emil and I are going on a trip into the past. To do so, we need to go into the forest behind grandma’s house. A long time ago, there was a village here.

Emil is standing in the forest and turning round. He is shaking his head. “I think grandma has been pulling our leg. There are only trees here.” I get out grandma’s drawing: “It has to be here.” 

We lay the sheet with the drawing on the ground and try to get our bearings. 

“Could that be the wall?” asks Emil. He points to the rising ground around us. I nod. On the drawing, precisely at that spot, a semi-circular wall is drawn in. The wall protected the village from enemies. 

“But you’d never fit a whole village in here,” Emil says. I explain to him that the houses in the past were not as big as our houses today. There were fewer rooms, for instance. In most cases, people and animals lived under the one roof. 

“And so what? Bella lives at home with us too,” Emil answers. “No, you idiot. I mean animals like cows or pigs.” Emil turns his nose up. 

“So why is the wall only on the one side?” asks Emil. I take him by the hand and lead him to the ledge. In front of us is a four-metre drop. Emil holds on to me tightly. I laugh: “The enemy won’t find it that easy to get up here. Unless they are good climbers.” 

“Yes, like Spiderman,” Emil replies excitedly. 

We walk on. As we walk, we think about what signs of past times might still lie beneath the forest floor. Emil points to a hill: “Is that just a mound, or is there an exciting story hiding behind it?”

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The Alebuerg in Beaufort

The Alebuerg is a former village, and today you can still see the remains of the defensive wall. Inside this wall there used to be five houses, in which a Celtic extended family lived. At the site, you can find an information board with descriptions and photos. 

B4 Local Hiking Trail in Beaufort

The B4 walking trail starts at the castle in Beaufort and takes you to the Alebuerg, along the Haupeschbaach stream and then on to the Klingelbuer, the old wash-house of Beaufort Castle. 

Today there is a small water playground there. If you want to do the rally "Searching for Clues in Beaufort", the path is shortened.

The Castles of Beaufort

There are two castles to visit in Beaufort. The medieval castle in Beaufort is nearly 900 years old. Here, you can imagine how knights lived in the past, and give yourself a fright when you visit the dark dungeon. Just around the corner is the beautiful Renaissance palace. The palace can only be visited on a guided tour.

“Geopad Haupeschbaach an Halerbaach”

On this geotrail, everything revolves around water: from the influence of water on the development of the landscape (the area used to be a sea) to using the power of water to drive the old mills in Beaufort and to the world of flora and fauna in the river valley. The trail starts and ends at the castle in Beaufort. Length: 4.2 km.

Circular routes
Local hiking trail - B4
Distance: 6,13 km
Duration: 1:49 h
Difficulty: easy
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© Jos Nerancic
with theLuxembourgCard
Beaufort Castles
Immerse yourself in the history of the medieval castle and discover how the last occupant lived in the Renaissance castle.
Find out more
© Pancake! Photographie, Visit Luxembourg
Thematic paths
Geo-Pad Haupeschbaach and Halerbaach
Distance: 4,94 km
Duration: 2:00 h
Difficulty: medium
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The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas