Situated in a small village in the Mullerthal region and 6 km away from Echternach. Direct access to the Mullerthal trail walks. MTB and cycling tracks (Pets are not allowed).
Conveniences and services
Garden / ParkBed linenBalcony / TerracePlaygroundTelevisionDishwasherWashing machine
Heating includedElectricity includedCleaning of the rental included
Youth Hostels & Vacation rentals info
- Max. number of adults: 4
- Max. number of children (lower 6 years): 2
- Minimal price in high season (week): 350
- Min. number of adults: 1
- Min. number of children (lower 6 years): 1
- Maximal price in off season (week): 420
- Maximal price in high season (week): 420
- Minimal price in off season (week): 350
Practical information
- Parking type: Car