When? Friday 25.04.202520:00 - 21:30

Bozen Brass

Where? 2, Porte St. Willlibrord, L-6486 Echternach Music Festivals

Lots of brass and fine sounds - wonderfully humorously packaged!

They come from "right at the top" and this origin from the sublime peaks of South Tyrol lends their sensitive, highly virtuoso playing a certain alpine flair - the finely spiced ingredient to a demanding, surprisingly rich program - a declaration of love to brass music, an unmistakable mixture of "Tyrolean serenity and Italian temperament"... Radiant, clear, refreshing like a mountain stream in midsummer - and as rousing as the same stream when the snow melts...

In a tongue-in-cheek, curious, cheeky and virtuoso manner, the most diverse styles and musical genres alternate, are sometimes mixed and unusual sounds are created. The program offers not "only" brass music, but also vocal interludes, instrument changes (accordion, drums, guitar, etc.) and small dance interludes. Bozen Brass is a brass ensemble that no longer fits into any of the usual categories. The six South Tyroleans are curiously different and always good for a surprise.

What makes six musicians set off on a trip around the world? Right, it can only be the search for a beautiful woman. In its new program "La Montanara", Bozen Brass not only crosses national borders, but also borders of a musical nature. While brass instruments still form the foundation of the group, other instruments such as guitar, accordion, Styrian harmonica, melodica and drums have long since contributed to the group's unmistakable sound. And as if that wasn't enough, they also sing and dance on the side. Anyone who goes to such lengths will surely be able to unravel the secret of the "Montanara"... Or will they?


Bozen Brass deliberately does not commit itself to any particular musical style. Their repertoire ranges from John Dowland to Sting, from "Baroque to Blues" in order to reach a wide audience. They can easily offer this range musically, but with brass instruments, vocals and other instruments, they can of course do much more. The band takes a fast-paced and unconventional route through music history and a wide variety of styles, from festive baroque music to virtuoso classical music, grand dramatic opera, playful chansons, musicals, country, Oberkrainer and alpine folk music, jazz, pop and rock. Greats such as Sting, Elvis and Michael Jackson appear on stage. Robert Neumair provides the ultimate swing from time to time on the drums or with a solo on the Styrian accordion.

Incidentally, all the pieces by this musical jack-of-all-trades have been specially arranged for Bolzano Brass. Sophisticated music finely played - that's nice, but not enough for Bozen Brass. A concert must not only offer something for the ears. The eyes should also be kept busy. And if the audience is left breathless - all the better.

The musicians sing, tap dance and dance on stage, changing their places and postures with clever choreography. The musicians are no strangers to fun - which is also evident in their presentations. Anything goes, and there is always a wink. And if the performance venue is not "just" a concert hall, but something unusual, the performance will be remembered by the musicians for an extra long time.

Incidentally, all the pieces by this musical jack-of-all-trades have been specially arranged for Bolzano Brass. Sophisticated music finely played - that's nice, but not enough for Bozen Brass. A concert must not only offer something for the ears. The eyes should also be kept busy. And if the audience is left breathless - all the better.

The musicians sing, tap dance and dance on stage, changing their places and postures with clever choreography. The musicians are no strangers to fun - which is also evident in their presentations. Anything goes, and there is always a wink. And if the performance venue is not "just" a concert hall, but something unusual, the performance will be remembered by the musicians for an extra long time.


Anton Ludwig Wilhalm – trompette

Manuel Goller – trompette

Benjamin Premstaller – cor d'harmonie

Martin Psaier – trombone

Michael Engl – tuba

Robert Neumair - instruments divers


Hall: Atrium

Duration: 90 min with break


Price information
Next events
Friday 25.04.202520:00 - 21:30


Address: TRIFOLION Echternach
2, Porte St. Willlibrord
L-6486 Echternach
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